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  • Writer's pictureDamien Gold

My coaster top picks for 2023

With the 2023 coaster season approaching at rapid speeds, I thought now might be a good time to share (in no particular order) the 4 coasters I am most exited to go on this year. Equipped now with my merlin pass, theres an exiting summer full of adventure ahead! So without any further hesitation here are my top picks for this year:

4 - Oblivion (Alton Towers)

If you know me, you will know that I LOVE Alton Towers revolutionary dive coaster. The first of its kind, Oblivion popped up back in 1998, and 25 years later this beast is going strong. Whilst not the longest, or most exiting ride in the world, Oblivion stands as an absolute timeless classic. With a great colour scheme and honestly a bop of a soundtrack, you just cant miss this coaster as it looms over X-Sector. Personally I will never be over the gut wrenching 'oh crap' moment as you are breifly held over the edge before plummeting down into the dark, smokey tunel beneith.

(Photo credits wikipedia)

A cart full of people on the ride Oblivion at alton towers dangling over the edge of its drop

3 - Stealth (Thorpe Park)

Coming in at high speeds its Thorpe Park's launched 80mph rocket that is Stealth. This ride not only is the fastest launch in the UK, but hits a staggering height of 62.5 metres! (Thats around the same as a 15 story building!) I have actually never been on stealth, which makes this all the more exiting for me, having ridden its slightly slower competition, Rita, I know I am in for a absolute blast of a time. So when I get to thorpe park this summer, you will find me making a B-line straight to the que for this high speed coaster.

(Photo credits thorpe park website)

a train of Stealth at thorpe park being launched towards the top hat element of the ride

2 - 'Mandrill mayhem' (Chessington Park)

New to the park for 2023, Chessington has built their first new coaster in 17 years! I really enjoyed the unforfettable jumanji remake that inspired it with Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson and Jack Black, and now theres a whole area inspired by it. Of course the most exiting bit of this whole area is the new rollercoaster, which will be the first coaster I have ever ridden in its opening season! Exiting stuff! Whilst we don't have tons of information on the ride, we do know it will hit 42mph on its spiralling tracks, which span 1,148ft. This ride has had many delays, being under construction since 2020, and now it is finally finished and opening to the public, I couldn't be more exited. And who wouldn't be in awe when faced with that feirce jaguar statue.

(image credits chessington world of adventure)

The green tracks of mandril mayhem wrapping arround the eye catching jaguar statue

1 - The Smiler (Alton Towers)

And last but not in the slightest least on the list, we have Alton Towers' record breaking ride 'The Smiler'. Perhaps seen as a 'overused' pick to some, it can not be denied that on its 10th anaversary year, the smiler still stands and one of the UKs best rides. Throwing riders at a max speed of 52.8MPH, arround its world record tangle of 14 loops, who couldn't fall for the charm of this swirling Gerstlauer infinity coaster. Whilst the smiler notoriously has a rocky past, it has been operating safely for years now, and continues to give visitors at the staffordshire based park amazing thrills every day. And when you aren't on board the 16 person carts, you can become mesmarised by the amazing themeing arround the ride, and the unique que line which has the ride terrifyingly swoop by just above your head. The smiler is a wonderful ride for all thrill seekers looking for their next adrenaline fix, and not just because of its record! Smilers elements include a 2 lift hills, one of which has riders sat vertically as the train is pulled up to the top, and some amazing pops of airtime along the way. And who can forget the absolutely impressive marmaliser - the spider-like structure that stands in the middle of the coaster, complete with large functioning screens and several other visual and audiable effects, complete with a theme song that will be stuck in your head for weeks. The smiler trully will have you grinning from ear to ear.

(Photo credits - myself lol)

So they were my top picks for the 2023 season! Do we have any the same? Or are yours compleately different? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!

Bye bye now 👋

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